Nursing Department
Eileen Danaher Hacker, Ph.D., A.P.R.N., A.O.C.N., F.A.A.N.
Department Chair
- Departments, Labs and Institutes
- Departments and Divisions
- Nursing Department
Established in 2008, the Nursing department is the academic arm of MD Anderson’s Division of Nursing. The department was established to advance nursing and interdisciplinary research, resulting in improved patient-care outcomes through the implementation of evidence-based practice. The department appoints doctorally prepared clinical nurses to faculty positions to promote, develop and implement programs of nursing research, evidenced-based practice and quality improvement.
The Nursing department is uniquely positioned to accelerate the contributions of nursing science to evidence-based practice in collaboration with nurse clinicians and leaders at the point of care delivery. The department infrastructure supports nurse-driven research, educational initiatives, mentoring and development of clinical nurses, administrators, and trainees; the application for external funding, and the dissemination of research findings and program outcomes at institutional, national and international levels.
MD Anderson is among an elite group of institutions who have earned five consecutive Magnet Recognition Program® designations from the American Nurses Credentialing Center.
The Post Graduate Fellowship in Oncology Nursing program is accredited with distinction as a Practice Transition Program by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation in Practice Transition Programs.
Post Graduate Fellowship in Oncology Nursing
The Post Graduate Fellowship in Oncology Nursing provides advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) the opportunity to develop expertise in cancer care through the development of in-depth knowledge and experience in evidence-based clinical oncology practice.
This fellowship fills a gap in advanced practice education in oncology nursing and carries forward our standard of excellence in cancer care. Fellows engage in a year-long structured and individually tailored curriculum of coursework, professional, and clinical experiences that ensure engagement in the full spectrum of cancer care and foster increasingly independent practice under the guidance of expert APRN preceptors.
The fellowship accepts applications from mid-December to January 31, and the fellowship is from September to August.
For detailed information about the APRN Post-Graduate Fellowship Program, contact aprnfellowship@mdanderson.org or view the program website at MD Anderson Post Graduate Fellowship in Oncology Nursing.
Argyros Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Oncology Nursing
The Argyros Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Oncology Nursing provides advanced training and mentorship in patient-centered oncology research for nurses who completed a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) from an accredited university in nursing or a field relevant to nursing research and would like the opportunity to further develop a research career in oncology. The program provides mentorship from a seasoned faculty researcher and guidance in grant development, project management, manuscript development, networking opportunities.
The intent of the program is to foster research that will advance oncology nursing practice, shape policy, and impact the care and outcomes of patients across the cancer continuum, from prevention, through treatment, and to survivorship and end of life. The research focus includes symptom science and patient reported outcomes, clinical judgment and decision-making, patient and family psychosocial concerns, and integration of information systems and social media into cancer care.
The fellowship accepts application from February to April, and the fellowship is from July to June (renewable for a second year).
For more information about the Argyros Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Oncology Nursing, contact ArgyrosPostDocFellowship@mdanderson.org or view the program website at MD Anderson Argyros Postdoctoral Nursing Research Fellowship.
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Program
MD Anderson’s advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) work as clinical nurse specialists; nurse practitioners in the primary, acute and critical care settings; nurse anesthetists; and as APRN leaders. APRNs act independently and in collaboration with other health care professionals to provide the highest standard of care to our patients. As dedicated professionals, APRNs are part of MD Anderson’s Community of Exceptional Nurses Engaged in Extraordinary Practice. APRNs contribute to the mission of MD Anderson through clinical practice, education, and research. Recognized as experts in cancer care, APRNs influence practice through professional activities including quality improvement, community outreach, presentations and publications.
The APRN program director and associate director, with staff support, are responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of programs, policies and initiatives for APRNs at MD Anderson, including the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Fellowship. The directors provide leadership and direction to the APRN community and institution for APRN practice, regulatory and accreditation compliance, credentialing, privileging, policies, professional development, and education. They lead and promote collaborative relationships with APRNs, institutional leaders and departments to assure the advancement of organizational goals, programs and projects. They serve as a resource for and consultant to departments for the hiring, scope of practice, on-boarding, performance appraisal, and competency assessment of APRNs. The directors oversee the APRN Professional Development Model and provide leadership for the APRN self-governance process. They serve in a leadership role and represent advanced practice nursing on institutional committee and initiatives.

Heart Success Program
The Heart Success Program (HSP) is a nurse-driven, collaborative, interdisciplinary program designed to improve management of the complex problems of cancer patients with concurrent heart failure (HF). Dr. Anecita Fadol ushered the development of the HSP and coordinated its implementation at MD Anderson.
The goals of the HSP are to:
- Promote patient-centered care with active patient involvement
- Improve implementation of evidenced-based pharmacologic therapy for HF
- Increase compliance with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) core measures for HF
- Improve symptom monitoring and management after hospital discharge.
To promote patient-centered care, patient education is a major component of the HSP. Patients and families can view the “Heart Success for Cancer Patients” video on demand while admitted in the hospital. In addition, a copy of the patient education booklet “Heart Success: A Resource Guide for Individuals Living with Cancer and Heart Failure” is provided to patients for reference at home after hospital discharge. Clinical nurses play a significant role in teaching patients regarding their HF diagnosis and how to identify and manage their symptoms using the “Teach-Back” method. Early identification of symptoms can lead to timely intervention that can prevent unnecessary hospital readmission.
Thus far, the HSP has been established in seven (7) Nursing Units and will be rolled out hospital wide by 2016. Since implementation through December 31, 2014, more than 1,500 HSP patient encounters have been initiated by the staff in the above-mentioned units. Following the introduction of the HSP in the above-mentioned units, patient satisfaction survey scores (HCAPS) have increased dramatically in these units, compared to other units in the hospital.

Contact us
Phone: 713-792-6881
Fax: 713-563-3189
Mailing Address
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Nursing
P.O. Box 301402-456
Houston, TX 77230-1402
Physical Address
The Nursing department is located on the second floor of the John Mendelsohn Faculty Center.
Get customized directions using our Access System.
1400 Holcombe Blvd.
Room FC2.2000, Unit 456